Inside the Rotarian

January 2020

It’s not uncommon for ordinary Rotarians to find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. No matter what our profession is, we all contribute mightily to the world and our local communities when we conduct our work with integrity. We always adhere to The Four Way Test, writes RI President Mark Maloney.

People from all over the world have multiple reasons for joining Rotary. Many believe it is a great way to benefit their career. It helps build relationships and demonstrates to potential clients and associates that we are serious when it comes to living up to high values and standards.

In an effort to reach younger new members, we want to see a Rotary that does not ask members to choose between being a good Rotarian and being a good parent, business owner, manager or employee. When we ask busy young people to join us, we should not be asking them to give up their time and freedom, Maloney said. We should be rewarding them with an experience that makes everything they already do even more inspiring.

As members of Rotary, together we learn. Education fuels innovation and progress. We encourage lifelong learning: exchanging ideas and inspiring generations of problem solvers. We learn together to explore what’s possible—that’s what people of action do.

If you want to know more about Rotary, and how Rotary can be of value to you in 2020, send me your name and number at